HKMoA Online Live Streaming: "Min Chiu Society at Sixty" – Honouring Tradition and Heritage
The Story
Date: | 11 March 2021 |
Duration: | 1 hour |
Venue: | Hong Kong Museum of Art |
Platform: | HERMES Live platform (support viewing on all connected mobile devices and computers) |
Region: | Worldwide |
- Provides a virtual art tour for audiences to simulate the perception of visiting the museum, utilising multiple wireless cameras to present the Chinese artwork to audiences.
- HERMES Live platform possesses live Q&A section for people to raise questions conveniently in the tour. Provides value-added feature to real-time showing relevant heritage and antique videos shot earlier to facilitate the understanding of audiences. The curator is able to connect with the audiences instantly and answer their questions on live.
- With the professional live streaming gallery, bringing the public to explore and appreciate the artistic craftsmanship, further enriched the museum tour to be more informative and interactive.
Commemorating its 60th anniversary this year, the world-renowned Min Chiu Society, formed by a group of art collectors in Hong Kong, has been an important cultural force devoted to fostering intellectual exchange and collecting, studying and promoting Chinese art. Guided by its founding ethos - "an earnest pursuit of classic knowledge, with a passion for antiquity" - the Society's art collections are eclectic, ranging from Chinese paintings and calligraphy, ceramics, jade, glass, lacquer wares, carvings in bamboo and wood, furniture, textiles, snuff bottles as well as China Trade arts. This year, the Society has co-organised the exhibition "Honouring Tradition and Heritage: Min Chiu Society at Sixty" together with Hong Kong Museum of Art, showcasing over 300 works of art from the collections of Society members.
We are honoured that HERMES Live was entrusted by HKMoA once again to provide high quality and professional live streaming service for the virtual tour, to explore the stories behind the art works and to appreciate the artistic craftsmanship with the online audiences.
The Client

Leisure and Cultural Service Department (LCSD)
Established in 2000, LCSD is a department of Home Affairs Bureau under Government of Hong Kong. It aims to provide quality leisure and cultural services commensurate with Hong Kong's development as a world-class city and events capital. LCSD preserves cultural heritage and promotes synergy with sports, cultural and community organizations in enhancing the development of the arts and sports in the territory.