TOUCH Brands & TOUCH Icons Awards Presentation 2016
The Story
Live Event Profile:
Event Date: 29 November 2016
Event Duration: 180 minutes
Event Venue: Hopewell Centre
Live Streaming Platform: Website (available on any mobile devices and computers)
Live Streaming Region: Worldwide
Live Event Details:
- Received over 6,400 views in one hour
- Extended the event to the web and organizer could actively engage with the audience
TFI first cooperated with the Hong Kong popular weekly magazine, East TOUCH, for broadcasting its "TOUCH Brands & TOUCH Icon Awards Presentation 2016". The ceremony gathered lots of celebrities and outstanding brands and acknowledged their efforts in promoting local creative culture. With HERMES Live streaming, everyone can enjoy the ceremony anywhere and have real-time interaction with each other.
Every year, there are thousands of media events being held in Hong Kong or other regions. As our client is based in Hong Kong with geographic and time restriction, their coverage is limited. By applying HERMES Live Streaming Solution, the events can be shown everywhere, and on various devices.
1. Simple setup with affordable price
Unlike the traditional OTA (Over-the-air) broadcasting that involve heavy equipment, massive setup and enormous costs, HERMES Live Streaming Service costs only one-tenth of OTA and it is easy to setup.
2. Broadcast grade live streaming
Different from other public live streaming platforms, TFI provides high quality and seamless live videos. It delivers a more enjoyable and nice viewing experience to the audience.
3. Diversified distribution channels
With the increasing demand on the use of social media, HERMES Live Streaming supports different social media channels like Facebook, Youtube and Youku as well. It can greatly widen the coverage and increase the promotion efficiency of the brand.
The Client

East TOUCH is a weekly Chinese language magazine written in Cantonese style in Hong Kong. It is published every Tuesday by East Touch Publishing Limited, part of Global China Group Holdings Limited.