Hong Kong Scout 105th Anniversary Jamboree
The Story
Live Event Profile:
Event Date: 24 & 27 December 2016
Event Duration: 60 minutes
Event Venue: Penny’s Bay, Lantau Island
Live Streaming Platform: YouTube (available on any mobile devices and computers)
Live Streaming Region: Worldwide
Live Event Details:
- Helped record the joyful moments of the jamboree and share them with other scouts around the world instantly
- Maximized the event coverage, effectively connecting the local and global scouts
Year 2016 marks the 105th anniversary of Hong Kong Scouting. To celebrate this, Hong Kong Scout 105th Anniversary Jamboree was held. It was the most highlighted annual event for Hong Kong Scout and marked the ending of a series of commemorating events. TFI was entitled to provide broadcast grade live streaming for its opening and closing ceremony.
The jamboree was located at Penny’s Bay, Lantau Island, with limited equipment and facilities support. TFI’s professional team overcame all the network and technical problems onsite, and finally offered super seamless and broadcast quality live videos.
1. No geographical and environmental limitation
TFI’s HERMES Live streaming technologies support both indoor and outdoor activities regardless of the location and weather.
2. "One Click Go Live" with simple setup
With HERMES Live Encoder M, users only need to get power, camera and the Internet connected. And the event is live to the world through "One Click Go Live".
3. Stable and reliable broadcast grade live streaming
Hewlett Packard Enterprise and Content Delivery Network (CDN) provider, Akamai have given much support to HERMES Live.Their critical support can help deliver smooth, reliable and broadcast grade streaming to various connected devices around the world.

The Client

Scout Association of Hong Kong
Scout Association of Hong Kong is the largest scouting organisation in Hong Kong. It has more than 90,000 uniformed members, with approximately 2,700 Scout groups in the sections Grasshopper Scouts, Cubs, Scouts, Venture and Rover Scouts, making it the largest uniformed youth organisation in Hong Kong.