Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Facebook Live Event
The Story
Live Event Profile:
Event Date: 26 April 2017
Event Duration: 45 minutes
Event Venue: Microsoft Experience Center, Cyberport
Live Streaming Platform: Facebook (available on any mobile devices and computers)
Live Streaming Region: Worldwide
Live Event Details:
- Showcased the functions and features of the Microsoft Surface Pro 4 through interactive live streaming to every corner of the world
- Received more than 145,000 views and 300 comments within a short period of time
Microsoft Hong Kong has been actively promoting its newly launched product - Surface Pro 4. Apart from its usual marketing activities, Microsoft Hong Kong partnered with TFI to add “Live” and “Interactive” elements into the Facebook game. Famous actor, Patrick Dunn was invited to be the host of the event and share his view on handwriting analysis through the Facebook live.
To better present the functions and features of Surface Pro 4, the video contained different wide shots and close-up of the featured product. Apart from a professional camera, it requires a premium live encoder to facilitate a broadcast quality live streaming.
1. Broadcast grade live streaming provider
By using our HERMES Live to stream a broadcast grade live, all different screenshots can be generated in high resolution and shown clearly.
2. Stable and seamless streaming technology
With our seamless live streaming technology, audiences can smoothly watch the show without geographical boundaries, and it allows participants actively joining the game and Q&A section
3. Custom branding
HERMES Live support various customized settings, including but not limited to brand logo placement. client has full control and ownership of the video archive for future use.

The Client

Headquartered in Redmond, Washington, Microsoft was founded by Paul Allen and Bill Gates on April 4, 1975, to develop and sell BASIC interpreters for Altair 8800. It rose to dominate the personal computer operating system market with MS-DOS in the mid-1980s, followed by Microsoft Windows. The company also produces a wide range of other software for desktops and servers, and is active in areas including Internet search (with Bing), the video game industry (with the Xbox, Xbox 360 and Xbox One consoles), the digital services market (through MSN), and mobile phones.