HKCS FACE Club Charity Walk x Family Fun Day
The Story
Live Event Profile:
Event Date: 14 May 2017
Event Duration: 180 minutes
Event Venue: The Arcade, Cyberport
Live Streaming Platform: Facebook (available on any mobile devices and computers)
Live Streaming Region: Worldwide
Live Event Details:
- Greatly increased the exposure and reach of the event
- Raised the public awareness of women in ICT industry
Aiming to increase the awareness of women in ICT industry with good family support and to raise fund to the girls in Tech, FACE Club ("FACE") of Hong Kong Computer Society organised a charity walk with family fun day on 14 May 2017 (Mother’s Day). TFI was the online live streaming sponsor of the event.
Throughout the whole event, there were three sessions of live streaming: opening ceremony, kick-off of the walk and band performance. Our team could provide a reliable one-stop video solution to deliver a seamless and broadcast quality of live streaming service.
1. Stable and reliable live streaming solution
HERMES Live is powered by Hewlett Packard Enterprise and Akamai, a leading Content Delivery Network (CDN) services provider, delivering smooth and reliable streaming.
2. Ease of set-up
To deliver a seamless live video, clients can simply connect the HERMES Live Encoder M to power, network and camera.
3. Support live on social media like Facebook
It helps spreading the message, driving traffic, and amplifying social media presence.
Video :
The Client

FACE Club, under Hong Kong Computer Society, is the first IT women club in Hong Kong. FACE stands for "Female", "Attract", "Connect" & "Engage". The objectives of the Club include: To ATTRACT more FEMALE to choose ICT as their career; to CONNECT existing HKCS female members and to provide opportunities to our female members to ENGAGE in Hong Kong ICT and HKCS activities.