"Tough Boy" VS "Wonder Kid" Fight Announcement Press Conference
The Story
Live Event Profile:
Event Date: 15 August 2017
Event Duration: 25 minutes
Event Venue: Renaissance Harbor View Hotel
Live Streaming Platform: Facebook (available on any mobile devices and computers)
Live Streaming Region: Worldwide
Live Event Details:
- Received more than 7,000 views recorded on Facebook Live
- Facilitated high and instant engagement in social media platforms
"Clash of Champions 3" between "Wonder Kid" Rex Tso and "Tough Boy" Kohei Kono is going to be held on 7 October 2017. OpenSky.tv has been conducting a series of TV programs reporting this significant event. On 15 August 2017, they collaborate with TFI to live stream the fight announcement press conference.
Apart from their own channel, OpenSky.tv has partnered with am730, one of the leading Chinese newspapers in Hong Kong, on spreading the live. In order to provide broadcast quality of live streaming to audience, TFI has been entrusted by OpenSky.tv to live stream the press conference on two dedicated Facebook pages simultaneously with customized features like logo placement.
1. Simulcast to multiple distribution channels
HERMES Live supports more than one distribution channels at the same time. In this live streaming event, client can enrich his live coverage and maximize the no. of views.
2. Reliable and stable live streaming
HERMES Live is powered by global Content Delivery Network (CDN) giant – Akamai. It delivers reliable and stable live streaming regardless what scale the event is.
3. "One Click Go Live"
Through "One Click Go Live" feature of HERMES Live, user only needs to connect the power, network and camera with the HERMES Live Encoder M, and the event can go live seamlessly.
The Client

OpenSky.tv channels are intelligently-programmed with a human-centered approach to select video content to targeted individual viewers, the platform is fully powered by the world-class video technology of TFI. The applications and services are sophisticated with the features including Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), guided reading, editorial, #hashtags and crowd-sourcing of popular video content, in a unified platform which offers a brand new video watching experience.