Li Po Chun United World College of Hong Kong’s 25th Anniversary
The Story
Live Event Profile:
Event Date: 25 November 2017
Event Duration: 120 mintues
Event Venue: Courtyard, Li Po Chun United World College of Hong Kong
Live Streaming Platform: Website (available on any mobile devices and computers)
Live Streaming Region: Worldwide
Live Event Details:
- Enabled thousands of alumni, former staffs, students and parents to witness the significant moment and share the joy around the world
- Raised the public awareness of LPCUWC
Over the past 25 years, Li Po Chun United World College of Hong Kong (LPCUWU) strived to unite people, nation and cultures. Reaching its 25th Anniversary, a series of special events were organized. Based upon the great success in live streaming on LPCUWC Hong Kong Graduation Ceremony 2017, TFI was honored to be chosen consecutively as the live stream provider for LPCUWC’s 25th Anniversary to remark the major milestone and share the happiness with people worldwide.
Due to geographical boundaries, a majority of LPCUWU alumni and supporters could not attend the anniversary ceremony. To reach a wider audience, TFI provided seamless and high-quality live stream by embedding the HERMES Live video solution on the school website ( This allowed audience to celebrate simultaneously on any internet-connected devices.
1. Ease of setup
With our one-stop live streaming solution from video production to displaying on different digital devices, LPCUWC can set up for live events in the most cost and time-efficient way without spending hours connecting complicated equipment.
2. High quality live streaming
Supported by Akamai, Microsoft and Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE), our HEREMS Live technology supports up to 4K UHD live streaming with adaptive bitrates to ensure smooth viewing experience. As a result, audience could enjoy the video within the minimum latent rate.
3. Increase the exposure
With the global content delivery network powered by Akamai, alumni of LPCUWC across the globe can easily access to the live video on diversified devices. Not only do the alumni could watch the ceremony, but also sponsors or other institutions around the world. This increases public awareness and builds up reputation of LPCUWC, which in turn creates beneficial opportunities in the future.
Live Video:
The Client

Li Po Chun United World College of Hong Kong (LPCUWU)
Li Po Chun United World College of Hong Kong (LPCUWU) established in 1992 , is an international college in Wu Kai Sha, Hong Kong. It is a member of the United World Colleges. According to the Wall Street Journal and the Brown Daily Herald, the College has top university acceptance rates.