Microsoft Minecraft Hour of Code Workshop
The Story
Live Event Profile:
Event Date: 3 February, 2018
Event Duration: 60 mintues
Event Venue: Microsoft Concept Store @ Olympian City 2
Live Streaming Platform: Facebook (available on any mobile devices and computers)
Live Streaming Region: Worldwide
Live Event Details:
- Attracted over two thousands of target audience watching the live streaming anywhere
- Provided professional live streaming support and enabled Microsoft to increase the reach of target audience
- Allowed students to gain fundamental understanding of coding in real time, as well as to appreciate the versatility and creativity of computer science through the interesting tutorial
Microsoft coordinated with TFI to implement a long term marketing campaign by hosting weekly workshops with different themes. To strengthen the next generation’s creativity and logical thinking skills, the topic of this week focused on coding, encouraging students to have a glimpse of computer science via real experience. As a trustful technology partner, TFI is entitled to live stream the workshop.
Since the venue is small to accommodate a large group of students, Microsoft cooperated with TFI to educate the students through broadcast grade and seamless streaming. With the sophisticated live streaming technology provided by TFI, Microsoft could reach and engage students in real time on social platform.
1. World-class live streaming technology
We own the most state-of-the-art live streaming technology to ensure every event is broadcasted in high-definition (HD) with excellent quality. Along with the advanced HERMES Live Encoder M, we provide flawless encoding to any video players.
2. Diversified social platforms for broadcasting
TFI supports simultaneous live streaming to multiple social platforms such as Facebook without complicated setup. Since students have a more frequent social media usage nowadays, it is convenient for them to watch online live stream in real time even they are busy to travel around.
3. Reliable technology partner
Microsoft and TFI have established close partnership. We support Microsoft to live stream various workshops and events to promote its offerings, enhance customer interaction and ultimately achieve its long-term marketing goals.
The Client

Headquartered in Redmond, Washington, Microsoft was founded by Paul Allen and Bill Gates on April 4, 1975, to develop and sell BASIC interpreters for Altair 8800. It rose to dominate the personal computer operating system market with MS-DOS in the mid-1980s, followed by Microsoft Windows. The company also produces a wide range of other software for desktops and servers, and is active in areas including Internet search (with Bing), the video game industry (with the Xbox, Xbox 360 and Xbox One consoles), the digital services market (through MSN), and mobile phones.